FTT Handbuch

Over time, we have discovered many great projects, many of which are drowned by capitalistic competition. We believe that openness and independence is the way forward for humanity, so we want to use what we earn to advance the vision of a postcapitalistic, resource-based world where technology liberates humans to fulfill their potential rather than constricting, enslaving and manipulating us.


Initiatives to support by providing infrastructure

See also https://about.ftt.gmbh/cooperations/ideas#improving-existing-opensource-software






These projects are missing matching open source equivalents and thus should be bought and liberated once sufficient funds are available:

So hepful were the maintainers of these projects that they deserve unconditional support:

Big Initiatives

These projects are vast, good initiatives worthy of support:

More Social Good

https://www.tierhilfe-schutzengel.de/tierhilfe/tiki-lebenshof -> Hagenow in MeckPom, Gesellschaft in Berlin-Brandenburg

More Stuff we use


  • Hollow Knight: Orchestrate the soundtrack, push sequel and multiplayer variant (duel mode?)
  • FreeCiv: Elevate it to a real Civilization Alternative
  • 0ad: Dedicated Developers who deserve sponsoting for modernising AoE authentically
  • Minetest: Unify community and market as real Minecraft alternative


Projects to Support
ยฉ Copyright 2025 by Janek Fischer