FTT Handbuch

Reporting Issues

You are having trouble with a tool that we manage ourselves (i.e. it lives under one of our domains, such as ftt.gmbh and mensch.link)?

Before contacting our Toolsmith Janek, please check a few things:

  • Is there a notice on Zulip in the #tooling-Stream that this is already known?
  • When posting the issue, only ping Janek if it is urgent. It will be seen either way.

If a service is unavailable

Is the service also red on the Monitor? If not, it might be a local or temporary issue, wait a few minutes and check again.

Are you using a separate interface to access a web service? Check the website as well, to exclude issues such as an outdated app.

If something does not work as expected

Try to reproduce - does it happen again? Record the steps you took to reproduce it. If the issue is on a webpage such as Nextcloud, try reloading it with Ctrl-F5 to exclude local caching issues.

If this is clearly a malfunction (such as an error message popping up) feel free to report it to the issue tracker of the respective tool directly and link the issue.

Otherwise make a screenshot of the issue and post it with the list of steps into the appropriate topic in the #tooling-Stream. It can also help to open the network log and console in the browser debug panel before reloading the page and sending that along, looking for potential causes / error messages.

Connection Issues

IPv6-only service

  • Can someone else access the service?
  • Can you ping the service?
  • Do you have a public IPv6 address? Check with ipconfig on Windows or ip -br a on Linux.
  • If not, check in your router settings and/or with your ISP. You can visit your router interface by visiting the default gateway

Disaster Recovery

  • immediately report the incident (on Zulip)
  • provide timely updates of your actions, including services you modified and logfiles you inspected, but also unsuccessful endeavours
  • close with a preliminary report within 24 hours


  • systemctl and journalctl - system tools to inspect service state and logs
  • lnav - logfile navigator with syntax highlighting, can also be used as pager
Troubleshooting Checklists
© Copyright 2025 by Janek Fischer