See also resources.
SEDA or the 15-Minute Rule
Stuck - Experiment - Document - Ask
This should also be applied to councils, discussions and onboardings (unless they concern multiple people at once): First take at least 15 minutes to research for yourself before bombarding someone with half-baked assumptions and opinions.
Fact-based discussions are often even better handled textually, as you have time to research and rethink before responding and automatically preserve the consensus-finding process for later reference, while emotional issues tend to require personal contact.
Define First (long but worthwhile):
Every meeting should be timeboxed into timeboxes of max. 15 minutes with a distinct topic each. Meetings of over an hour should have a break after at most 90 minutes with about 15 Minutes breaktime per hour.
We do not hold "meetings" (, call it by its purpose. Bringing people together without agenda and purpose is a big inhibitor to productivity.
Meeting Types
- Huddle: Dynamisch, ggf. grobes Thema vorgeben (z.B. Frühstück: Planung des Tages)
- Konzil/Council: Vorher definierte Entscheidungen diskutieren und beschließen (Recherchematerial vorher aufarbeiten und bereitstellen)
- Jour Fixe: Regelmäßige Agenda [lt. Scaling Up: Gute Neuigkeiten, Prioritäten & Zahlen (KPIs), Kunden- und Mitarbeiterfeedback (-> Retrospective), ein Thema lösen (-> Council), Wer-Was-Wann (Wekan), Schlusswort pro Person]
- Schulterblick/Review: Progress/Project Presentations by a project leader to stakeholders
- Retrospective/Coaching: Interpersonal Feedback Space led by a Team Coach aka VIP (Very Interpersonal Person)
- Zu den Meeting-Typen kommt noch ein sechster: Der Workshop.
See resources for Details.
Struktur für ein gutes Standup aus
- Timekeeping, nach 15min notfalls abbrechen!
- 1min pro Punkt und Person: gestern geschafft / heute dran (ein oder zwei Runden rum)
- Kalenderevents des Tages checken
Playlist mit Scrum-Bezug: