FTT Handbuch

See also resources.

SEDA or the 15-Minute Rule

Stuck - Experiment - Document - Ask



This should also be applied to councils, discussions and onboardings (unless they concern multiple people at once): First take at least 15 minutes to research for yourself before bombarding someone with half-baked assumptions and opinions.

Fact-based discussions are often even better handled textually, as you have time to research and rethink before responding and automatically preserve the consensus-finding process for later reference, while emotional issues tend to require personal contact.

Define First (long but worthwhile): https://taylorpearson.me/definition/


Every meeting should be timeboxed into timeboxes of max. 15 minutes with a distinct topic each. Meetings of over an hour should have a break after at most 90 minutes with about 15 Minutes breaktime per hour.

We do not hold "meetings" (https://hbr.org/2015/11/stop-calling-every-conversation-a-meeting), call it by its purpose. Bringing people together without agenda and purpose is a big inhibitor to productivity.

Meeting Types

  • Huddle: Dynamisch, ggf. grobes Thema vorgeben (z.B. Frühstück: Planung des Tages)
  • Konzil/Council: Vorher definierte Entscheidungen diskutieren und beschließen (Recherchematerial vorher aufarbeiten und bereitstellen)
  • Jour Fixe: Regelmäßige Agenda [lt. Scaling Up: Gute Neuigkeiten, Prioritäten & Zahlen (KPIs), Kunden- und Mitarbeiterfeedback (-> Retrospective), ein Thema lösen (-> Council), Wer-Was-Wann (Wekan), Schlusswort pro Person]
  • Schulterblick/Review: Progress/Project Presentations by a project leader to stakeholders
  • Retrospective/Coaching: Interpersonal Feedback Space led by a Team Coach aka VIP (Very Interpersonal Person)
  • Zu den Meeting-Typen kommt noch ein sechster: Der Workshop.

See resources for Details.


Struktur für ein gutes Standup aus https://martinfowler.com/articles/itsNotJustStandingUp.html:

  • Timekeeping, nach 15min notfalls abbrechen!
  • 1min pro Punkt und Person: gestern geschafft / heute dran (ein oder zwei Runden rum)
  • Kalenderevents des Tages checken

Playlist mit Scrum-Bezug: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLngnoZX8cAn_hKfx2vsrwYpARlEyMjq5v

© Copyright 2025 by Janek Fischer