Nextcloud Guide
- The navigation bar at the top links to all main tools, with a tile menu at the left for extra apps which are not as commonly used.
- The FTT icon leads back to the dashboard, which you can customize to your needs.
Generally, if you create or upload something (File, Calendar, ...) nobody else will see it unless you explicitly share it.
You have a few predefined files and folders which you can feel free to delete, just the shared directories are important. The Nextcloud Manual and the Templates could be useful in case you want to look into them.
Right-click on a markdown-document and click "Edit in plain text editor" to edit the raw file with live preview.
- Import from Google Calendar is easily possible after export at (extract the zip and import the calendars you want)
- Click on a calendar to toggle its visibility
Navigating the calendars
We have three calendars for the company:
- FTT Team for events concerning a majority of the team, such as the Jour Fixe, alignments and retreats.
- FTT Office for events concerning the office in Bayreuth, such as individual calls, local huddles and flat matters.
- FTT Absences for vacations and personal appointments during working hours.
For more extensive schedules, consider creating an own calendar and sharing it to the FTT Bayreuth circle.
This calendar might be extended to list timespans of trainees/internships.
There are also autogenerated Calendars from deadlines in Deck and Task lists.
For the non-Team calendars, please prefix your events with your name.
- Groups are equivalent to Labels in other contact managers and as such your personal ones, not to be confused with the global groups from Nextcloud managed by Stackspin
- Circles provide you access to the relevant files and tasks for certain projects/areas
- You can import your personal contacts from other platforms (such as Google Contacts) as vCards and sync them to your phone:
- In the initial overview, you will see all cards that are either unassigned or assigned to you, sorted by due date
- Below the tile menu at the top left there is a burger menu which allows you to access the individual boards
- Click on a label on any card to only show cards with that label
- You have to create new labels/tags in the right sidebar for the board, not for the card, the plus symbol there does not work!
- You can create a checklist by in the Markdown description, see the manual:
- Done tasks are moved to the "Check" column and archived after having been checked
Native and Mobile Apps
Nextcloud has a desktop app to sync the files and get updates.
For Mobile Devices there are Apps for Nextcloud, Nextcloud Deck, Nextcloud Notes and other extensions, as well as DAVx5 to sync contacts and calendars. Thus you can also manage your personal contacts and calendars in Nextcloud and become independent of Google's services without any inconveniences :)
I recommend downloading the apps from the F-Droid repository to get them for free, preferably via SkyDroid (go under "Collections" and enable F-Droid) to get automatic updates.
Alternative: Aurora Droid (scroll down and use the first "Download apk" link, add the IzzyOnDroid repository) app.
Initial Setup (regardless of OS)
- Download the Nextcloud app in your app store
- Click on "Login"/"Anmelden"
- Server Domain:
- Use "Login with Stackspin"/"Anmelden mit Stackspin"
Calendar Sync
- Open the Nextcloud app and go to Settings>More
- Click "Sync calendars & contacts"
- Download the DAVx5 app (via Sky-/Aurora/F-Droid if you want it for free)
To Sync Contacts and Calendars, select the corresponding option in the settings of the Nextcloud app. It will prompt you to download DAVx5 which you should get via Aurora/F-Droid and then provide the proper configuration out of the box. You should select "groups are per-contact categories" when asked.
If you also want to sync calendar subscriptions, also get the ICSx5 app, they will then appear in the WEBCAL tab.
Afterwards, open the DAVx5 app, select "I don't need tasks support" and select the calendars to sync in the "CALDAV" and the contact lists to sync under "CARDDAV".
These should then appear in your OS calendar app.
There are iOS apps, though you will have to figure these out yourself:
iOS calendar sync currently does not work, as the sync only works via plain login:\_manual/pim/sync\_ios.html
But you can subscribe to the calendars readonly via a "Kalenderabo":