FTT Handbuch

Compiled from resources shared in Zulip.


Excellent Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLngnoZX8cAn9dlulsZMtqNh-5a1lGGkLS

Which would mean we replace Jour Fixe by Sprint Planning, while the Retrospective would be split into Sprint Review (which concerns the progress during the sprints) and Sprint Retrospective (Reflecting on Teamwork, Tools and Productivity). If we follow through with the standups, we could actually move to two-week sprints.




Advantages: Fruitful discussions about issues and pitfalls


Decent Estimates are the exception rather than the rule

Estimates should not leak out to the world and turn into commitments


-> slicing over estimation


What we have already agreed on doing regularly is the weekly Jour Fixe and Retrospective as well as a daily Standup. Huddles currently occur organically, usually at mealtime or when asked for. Principal Consultings (one-on-one conversations with Christian) we tried out, but have not been happening formally recently.

https://hbr.org/2015/11/stop-calling-every-conversation-a-meeting This article gives some nice insights, and The Mythical Man-Month chapter 6 (available for anyone to check out in the bookshelf in the office hallway) also talks about scaling gatherings. It also points out the need of precise language: We currently throw around the terms Meeting, Jour Fixe and Scrum Meeting - which are not clear in their purpose on their own. Instead consider Decision Council, Brainstorm/Huddle, Work Session, Conversation, Project Update Review etc.

Furthermore, every regular meeting should have an agenda in the calendar entry.




Some firms are cutting meeting times to as little as 15 minutes, by sending more advance information, reducing the number of participants and using bots to organize communication. Adding questions rather than statements to an agenda also helps with efficiency.


Some Reflection Methodologies: Like-Wish-Wonder, Start-Stop-Continue, Analyze Values or Feelings. More on https://openpracticelibrary.com/practice/retrospectives/

Related: https://jorre.coach/blog/category/tools

A powerful subject touched in the Retrospective: https://stackoverflow.blog/2022/01/27/psychological-safety-is-critical-for-high-performing-teams

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