Welcome to the Handbook of the FTT Forensic Discovery GmbH!
Use the link above for a public, visual overview of our projects and our team. If you do not see the navigation drawer at the left, press the burger at the top left.
Note that some sensitive content is protected, particularly when it comes to internal projects and tools. The resources are all publicly accessible!
- CEO: Christian Bubenheim - cb@ftt.gmbh
- International: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bubenheim/
- Deutsch: https://speakerx.de/speaker/christian-bubenheim
- CTO & Author of this site: Janek Fischer - jf@ftt.gmbh
- Team: https://ftt.gmbh/team/
Tools Overview
Toolset accessible through Nextcloud (do check all links in top navigation bar!): https://files.ftt.gmbh
- Firmenhandbuch: https://about.ftt.gmbh
- Service Monitor: https://status.ftt.gmbh
- Wiki (für Mitarbeiter und Kunden): https://support.ftt.gmbh/help
- Protokolle: https://log.ftt.gmbh
- Git Repositories auf Forgejo: https://forge.ftt.gmbh
Internal Progress and Development Overviews:
For issues see Troubleshooting.
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